Sunday, November 27, 2011

Laval Locals

I have recently started getting involved with a group called "On va sortir", which is a social network that starts online, and you meet people in the area that you are living.  People post activities, and you can respond to the ones that interest you, and also post your own activities.

Today I met with a beginning english language group, and offered my native American accent to help with the pronunciation during the class.  The teacher is Michel who is a local Lavallois, and a very good english speaker, who invited me to join them.  I will probably continue to go as long as I am here since I feel like this is really getting to know France for me, and it is fun to help out.

I think what makes it fun is that I get to be around local people.   I get to know them beyond the street and market.  After the lesson, which is in someone's home, we have coffee or tea and a sweet, and they are talk primarily in French and I try to pick up what they are talking about.  Michel will sometimes make an explanation so I know the subject they are talking about.

Though I wish that I was aware of this group a month or two before, I am thankful for the time I do have, and hope to make the most of it.    By the way, On Va Sortir means "let's go out"